CTG Photography’s Favorite Photos-2015
January is usually the month a lot of people reflect on their past year.I feel like 2015 was a great year for me. Each year my photography improves and my business grows along with it! This past year showed a huge payoff of all the hard work I put into CTG Photography since graduating College in 2012. Recently I had a boost of confidence in my work. This boost of confidence has helped me stay level headed in the industry that has its up and downs. CTG Photography will grow every year and I am thankful for all of those who pick me to photograph moments in their life!
It is so hard to pick your favorite photos. Shoot, even when I do blog posts I tend to share 200 images! There is a big photo contest in the photography industry when your peers vote on over 110,000 images. I believe this years contest will reach well to 200,000 entries. When I entered this contest in 2015 I never thought I would make it past many rounds. Low and behold I had actually had 12 images rank in the top 20 and top 30% of 110,000 entries! This really meant the world to me. Especially when the voters are your fellow peers in the industry! in the 2015 contest I had 5 images in the top 20% and 7 photos in the top 30%. Even though there were thousands of entries it feels amazing to have reached that far!
Now its time for the 2016 contest! Below are some of my favorite images from this past year. They all hold a different place in my heart. From emotion, composition, to perfect timing. I cannot wait to see what this year holds for CTG Photography. I hope you all enjoy CTG Photography ‘s Favorite photos from 2015! to see more work from CTG Photography please go to www.ctgphotography.net
Here are my top photos from last years contest!