Pintrest- Let me tell your story, not someone else’s
Pintrest- Let me tell your story, not someone else’s
Oh no, talking about Pinterest! I have such a love hate relationship with it! As a consumer and semi stereotypical female… I love Pintrest. My whole house was influenced by the hipster pins of Pintrest haha! Don’t believe me? Look right here at my house haha! Now don’t get me wrong about Pintrest. It is amazing for its purpose, to get ideas. My problem with Pinterest is the unrealistic portrayal of what “every” photo of your wedding or portrait session should look like. The pins where a person can obsess over recreating the exact photo with the light coming through at the perfect time of the day. The photos you “generally” see on Pintrest are the best of the best from the wedding day. And it can start to really make you feel like your day isn’t special enough unless you get the exact Pintrest worthy photos! AND THAT’S NOT TURE!!! Your photographer will beautifully capture your day uniquely and there is no need to recreate every Pintrest photo you see!
I bet you’re thinking “but wait, you’re a professional photographer. You should be able to do all of this.” Yes I can likely recreate many images on Pinterest, but I don’t want to. You came to me as a creative person to capture your day. I wan’t you to have faith in my creative decisions. Unless we are in California on a cliff at sunset on a perfect late summer day… you’re not getting a photo like that in downtown Pittsburgh. You can pull ideas and poses from Pinterest! I really love it for that vibe of inspiration. But please do not expect any photographer to completely copy a whole board of your ideas for wedding pictures. Again we are all usually ok with you showing us ideas of feels you’re going for. But to sit back and ask us to copy everything is disrespectful to the creative ideas you paid us to do.
You can throw 10 photographers into a location from all over the world. And we are all going to photograph the subject completely different. We will look at lighting different from one another. We are going to look at backgrounds and textures different from one another. We are even going to pose and create different interactions that are vastly going to differ from one another.
So what I’m saying here is that Pinterest isn’t evil. It should be a tool to gather ideas, but to not completely copy. You picked you’re photographer for a reason. Let them creatively tell your story not someone else’s!