Renshaw Farms Summer Wedding Photos- Sara & Braden
Deep sea, sea glass, black, white
Classic but modern
ceremony and reception all in the same place, big enough space for all of our guests
Rusted Rose https://www.rustedrosebridal.com/
Rusted Rose https://www.rustedrosebridal.com/
Jack’s Tuxedo http://jackstuxedopgh.com/
Jen at Sweet Treats Bakery https://thesweettreat.com/
Leechburg Floral http://www.leechburgfloral.com/
DJ Mike Zeiler
Garda’s https://www.gardasrestaurant.biz/
Mostly handmade, some from Classic Tent Rental http://pittsburghpartysupplies.com/
Shannon Chavez Productions https://shannonchavez.com/
My Aunt Jamie
My Sister/her friend
– no response –
Minuteman Press https://www.akvalley.minutemanpress.com/
Byer’s Taxi http://www.byerstaxiandbusing.com/